
                        Algorithm of eat        start  take some food  cook the food the meat ,fisn... them put the food in a plate  short the food in littel parts  them take a fork and puncture the food put in the mouth  chew the food 10 time  swallow the food reach to the stomach    stop



link diagram


save the earth using algorithms

SAVE THE EARTH USING ALGORITHMS 1.- Write the definition of: An algorithm: is a series of instructions or ordened steps for performing an activity or resolving a problem The project approach: is a method of dealing with and resolving the practical problems affecting any society. It consists of ten stages and we study it as an algorithm A program: is the translation of an algorithm into a programming language that can be understood by any computer 2.- The chart used to represent algorithms is called …flowchart…………….. or …flow diagram………….. and uses symbols connected by …arrows………. to show the sequences of the actions. 3.- Write the name of the symbols used in flowcharts, what they are used to and insert one image of each one and all together in an example: terminal : represents the beginning or end of the development of an algorithm process: used to represent each of actions needed to develop the algorithm informa
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